Before we schedule the date of the photo shoot, we must see each other at the consultations in order to get to know each other and exchange expectations from the photo shoot.
Before we schedule the date of the photo shoot, we must see each other at the consultations in order to get to know each other and exchange expectations from the photo shoot.
Before we schedule the date of the photo shoot, we must see each other at the consultations in order to get to know each other and exchange expectations from the photo shoot.
Before we schedule the date of the photo shoot, we must see each other at the consultations in order to get to know each other and exchange expectations from the photo shoot.
Here are answers to the most frequently asked questions about boudoir photography.
If the question you have is not answered in this part, feel free to contact.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
What does typical boudoir photography look like?
You will come with a slight thrill, but it will soon be replaced by excitement.
First you get your fix up by a hairdresser and then by a make-up artist, and all that while drinking coffee or some other drink of your choice and while listening to music that relaxes you.
Since I instructed you in all the details during the consultations and before the photo shoot, what you chose to bring from the outfit is waiting for you to start taking photos!
Photography is relaxed, intimate and fun. I guide you through all the poses, change the scenery, take breaks when necessary and show you what we have captured so far. I follow your release process, which you will be aware of at the end when you see yourself on the camera from the beginning and the end of the photo shoot.
I will do my best four you to enjoy every part of this experience and to leave the studio with a feeling of fulfillment!
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
What to do with boudoir photos?
Boudoir photographs (as well as photographs of other genres) have their purpose - to enjoy them but also to strengthen the subject of photography.
You'll fall in love with them right away, watch them for hours and wonder why you haven't done this before. You will be proud as you look at your other, sensual side and you will keep the memory of yourself as you were for years.
You can show the photos to your partner who will be delighted you with your courage,self-confidence and beauty.
Whether you’re flipping through a album or looking at them on a bedroom wall, you’ll enjoy your boudoir photos for years to come!
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Do I have to look perfect and only then come to have a boudoir session?
No. You need to accept and love yourself enough so that you can see you in a different way.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Do I get makeup as part of boudoir photo experience?
Yes, every package in the Cozy Boudoir studio includes preparation in the form of hair styling and professional make-up.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
I'm afraid someone will see my photos on the internet
Before we start taking photos, we both sign an Agreement in which I undertake that no one will see your photos except me, and that I will not publish those photos that you state in writing that you do not want to be published, for any reason. Your privacy is very important to me and you can be calm about it.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
When is the best time to schedule my boudoir photography?
It is ideally to schedule photo-session in that period of month when you are not having your cycle and PMS due to the common symptoms that most women have (bloating, pimples, nervousness, etc.).
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Are there other products besides digital photos?
Yes, in addition to digital, there are also printed products on albums and wall art. See more details on this page.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
What is duration of boudoirphoto-session?
Depending on the selected package, shooting can take from 1 - 3 hours. Preparation (hairstyle and makeup) takes about 1-1.5 hours.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
How much "nudity" is allowed?
It is allowed that you do not have a wardrobe at all, but what I am not doing is a "full front" display of a woman's sexual organ. Naked breasts as well as showing nipples is ok. My style of photography is implied nudity and not explicitly showing a woman's body.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Can I take someone to my boudoir experience?
Yes, under two conditions. The first is for that person to be a support in the whole process, and the second condition is that he does not interfere in the dynamic of photo-session. Any kind of positive energy is always welcome!
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Do I need to know how to pose?
No, that's my part of the job and you can relax because I'm going to take you through boudoir experience step by step, explaining (and demonstrating) what exactly you need to do.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Can I cancel a session if I change my mind?
If the session is canceled, the deposit will not be refunded. A deposit of € 100 is payable again for a new appointment.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
What can I bring to my photosession?
You should bring something you feel cozy in (for the first outfit) as well as a few combinations of underwear from which we will choose the two best on the spot. You can bring some props of your choice if you use something specific for make-up that you can't do without.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Can I take some alcohol with me to relax?
There are always refreshing drinks and something to snack in the studio, and it is allowed to drink one glass of alcohol because I understand that it can sometimes help calm the anxiety. There are several types of alcoholic beverages in the studio and I am sure you will find something to your liking.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Do I provide underwear and outfits?
Yes. You bring all the clothes you will wear. You don't have to bring a white shirt and a sheet because I have several types of both in the studio that serve as props.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Do you only take black and white photos or is there a color photo option?
All final photos are in black and white.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Where is the studio?
The studio is located in Belgrade, at Dušanovac.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Are we alone during the photo shoot?
Yes. After the preparation and the finished make-up, we stay alone until the end of the photo shoot.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
What is your photo editing style?
Very dosed. Of course I will remove blemishes or the pimple that appeared a day - two earlier but I do not like too much editing - the point of boudoir photography is to celebrate yourself just the way you are now, without filters and other aids that make a person look like a porcelain doll - you can without me doing it myself using filters.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
What does the studio look like?
The studio has a very flexible look because I am constantly changing the scenes where I take photos. In the blog section you can see a more detailed post on this topic.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Do I get raw photos?
No. At the photo reveal date, I will show you only the edited photos from which you can choose the ones you like the most and you get them the same day on USB stick (or via wetransfer if photo reveal session is online).
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
What if I want more products besides the package I paid for?
In addition to the 2 existing packages, there is a possibility to choose from the complete price-list what suits you best at the moment, whether it is additional digital or printed products.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Where can I see prices?
The price-list is prone to changes and currently there are 2 packages available. You can see more about products and prices here.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
When do I get the final photos?
You will receive the final, retouched photos within 14 days from the day of the photo shoot. We setup photo reveal appointment in studio or online and then you can pick your favorites!
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
Is there a possibility of delayed payment?
There is a possibility of delayed payment for up to 2, 3 and 6 months. When the payment is made in full, you get all digital and other products.
The studio is located in Belgrade at this location . A small note: Google Maps dates before the building was built.
How long do you keep photos?
Can I buy additional photo later?
Digital photos from reveal date are available for additional purchase within one year from the date of photoshoot.
After that date, additional photos cannot be purchased.
How do I schedule my boudoir photo shoot?If you know when (and where) you would like to have your photo shoot, you need to send your details to contact page. There you can choose the type of photography and your ideal date. The appointment is secured by paying a deposit for booking the appointment, and you can see more details about the appointment process on the page scheduling.
What does a typical boudoir shoot look like?You will arrive with a slight nervousness, but it will soon be replaced by excitement. First you are "groomed" by the hairdresser and then the make-up artist, and all this while drinking coffee or another drink of your choice and listening to music you like. Since I will give you instructions in all the details during the consultation and before/during the photo shoot, the only thing you need to prepare is to choose what are you going to wear! Photography is relaxed, intimate and fun. I guide you through all the poses, change the scenery, take breaks when necessary and show you what we have captured so far. I am following your transformation process, which you yourself will be aware of at the end when you see yourself on the camera from the beginning and the end of the photo shoot. I will make sure that you enjoy every part of this experience and that you leave the studio with a sense of fulfillment!
Do I get makeup done as part of the boudoir photo-shoot?Depends on whether you want it or not. There are package options with or without professional makeup. Hair styling is also an option.
Šta ako se ne osećam prijatno pred kamerom?Potpuno je normalno da osećate nervozu! Kod nas u studiju je uvek prijatna i pozitivna atmosfera a samim tim i priprema i tok fotografisanja teku u skladu i tempom koji vam se prilagođava.
Koliko dugo traje tipična poslovna sesija fotografisanja?Naše poslovne sesije obično traju od 1 do 2 sata, u zavisnosti od paketa koji odaberete i broja fotografija koje su potrebne. Za veće projekte možemo organizovati duže sesije a za potrebe češćeg fotografisanja, tu je naša Membership opcija kao najpovoljniji izbor.
Da li mogu da povedem svoj tim na fotografisanje?Naravno! Moje iskustvo u radu sa timovima je sjajno jer se tada pozitivan vajb multiplikuje i fotografisanje se završi mnogo lakše i brže što obično klijentima prija. Napomena: Ako su vam potrebne timske ili grupne fotografije, u studiju ili nekim specijalnim povodom, kontaktirajte me direktno na
Koliko fotografija ću dobiti?To zavisi od paketa koji odaberete. Na primer, naš osnovni paket uključuje 10 fotografija prilagođenih vašem brendu, dok drugi paketi mogu uključivati više fotografija, veći broj izmene garderobe i kolekcije vizuala za društvene mreže/sajt.
Kada mogu da očekujem gotove fotografije?Vaše obrađene fotografije dobijate u roku od 7 do 14 dana nakon fotografisanja. Ako vam je potrebna brža isporuka, možemo je organizovati uz dodatnu naknadu.
Šta ako mi trebaju dodatne fotografije nakon sesije?Nudimo dodatne pakete za klijente koji žele više fotografija ili godišnji membership za one kojima je značajno za sadržaj na društvenim mrežama da imaju više fotografisanja u toku godine.
Da li mogu da dobijem neobrađene (RAW) fotografije?Ne predajemo RAW fotografije, jer je proces obrade ključan deo kreiranja profesionalnih i uglađenih fotografija koje odgovaraju vašem brendu.
Da li nudite usluge štampe?Da, nudimo visokokvalitetne štampane materijale poput albuma i slika za zid. Ako imate specifične zahteve za štampu, slobodno ih podelite sa nama.
Kako mogu da rezervišem fotografisanje?Možete rezervisati direktno putem mog sajta, poslati mi e-mail ili me pozvati. Kada potvrdim dostupnost, vodiću vas kroz proces rezervacije i dogovoriti sve detalje.
Da li je potreban depozit za rezervaciju?Da, potrebno je uplatiti 30% depozita kako biste osigurali svoj termin. Preostali iznos se plaća na dan fotografisanja.
Koliko košta poslovna sesija fotografisanja?Naši paketi za poslovnu fotografiju počinju od 297 EUR i variraju u zavisnosti od broja fotografija i dodatnih usluga. Za veće projekte ili specifične zahteve kreiramo prilagođene ponude.
Koja je vaša politika promene termina?Promena termina je besplatna ako se obavi u 48h pre vašeg termina.
How do I schedule my boudoir photo shoot?If you know when (and where) you would like to have your photo shoot, you need to send your details to contact page. There you can choose the type of photography and your ideal date. The appointment is secured by paying a deposit for booking the appointment, and you can see more details about the appointment process on the page scheduling.
What does a typical boudoir shoot look like?You will arrive with a slight nervousness, but it will soon be replaced by excitement. First you are "groomed" by the hairdresser and then the make-up artist, and all this while drinking coffee or another drink of your choice and listening to music you like. Since I will give you instructions in all the details during the consultation and before/during the photo shoot, the only thing you need to prepare is to choose what are you going to wear! Photography is relaxed, intimate and fun. I guide you through all the poses, change the scenery, take breaks when necessary and show you what we have captured so far. I am following your transformation process, which you yourself will be aware of at the end when you see yourself on the camera from the beginning and the end of the photo shoot. I will make sure that you enjoy every part of this experience and that you leave the studio with a sense of fulfillment!
Do I get makeup done as part of the boudoir photo-shoot?Depends on whether you want it or not. There are package options with or without professional makeup. Hair styling is also an option.
Šta ako se ne osećam prijatno pred kamerom?Potpuno je normalno da osećate nervozu! Kod nas u studiju je uvek prijatna i pozitivna atmosfera a samim tim i priprema i tok fotografisanja teku u skladu i tempom koji vam se prilagođava.
Koliko dugo traje tipična poslovna sesija fotografisanja?Naše poslovne sesije obično traju od 1 do 2 sata, u zavisnosti od paketa koji odaberete i broja fotografija koje su potrebne. Za veće projekte možemo organizovati duže sesije a za potrebe češćeg fotografisanja, tu je naša Membership opcija kao najpovoljniji izbor.
Da li mogu da povedem svoj tim na fotografisanje?Naravno! Moje iskustvo u radu sa timovima je sjajno jer se tada pozitivan vajb multiplikuje i fotografisanje se završi mnogo lakše i brže što obično klijentima prija. Napomena: Ako su vam potrebne timske ili grupne fotografije, u studiju ili nekim specijalnim povodom, kontaktirajte me direktno na
Koliko fotografija ću dobiti?To zavisi od paketa koji odaberete. Na primer, naš osnovni paket uključuje 10 fotografija prilagođenih vašem brendu, dok drugi paketi mogu uključivati više fotografija, veći broj izmene garderobe i kolekcije vizuala za društvene mreže/sajt.
Kada mogu da očekujem gotove fotografije?Vaše obrađene fotografije dobijate u roku od 7 do 14 dana nakon fotografisanja. Ako vam je potrebna brža isporuka, možemo je organizovati uz dodatnu naknadu.
Šta ako mi trebaju dodatne fotografije nakon sesije?Nudimo dodatne pakete za klijente koji žele više fotografija ili godišnji membership za one kojima je značajno za sadržaj na društvenim mrežama da imaju više fotografisanja u toku godine.
Da li mogu da dobijem neobrađene (RAW) fotografije?Ne predajemo RAW fotografije, jer je proces obrade ključan deo kreiranja profesionalnih i uglađenih fotografija koje odgovaraju vašem brendu.
Da li nudite usluge štampe?Da, nudimo visokokvalitetne štampane materijale poput albuma i slika za zid. Ako imate specifične zahteve za štampu, slobodno ih podelite sa nama.
Kako mogu da rezervišem fotografisanje?Možete rezervisati direktno putem mog sajta, poslati mi e-mail ili me pozvati. Kada potvrdim dostupnost, vodiću vas kroz proces rezervacije i dogovoriti sve detalje.
Da li je potreban depozit za rezervaciju?Da, potrebno je uplatiti 30% depozita kako biste osigurali svoj termin. Preostali iznos se plaća na dan fotografisanja.
Koliko košta poslovna sesija fotografisanja?Naši paketi za poslovnu fotografiju počinju od 297 EUR i variraju u zavisnosti od broja fotografija i dodatnih usluga. Za veće projekte ili specifične zahteve kreiramo prilagođene ponude.
Koja je vaša politika promene termina?Promena termina je besplatna ako se obavi u 48h pre vašeg termina.